Experience the Evidence

Geistlich Events
Online Education Events
Online education at your fingertips.
Be up close during the surgical procedure.
Courses & Congresses
Upcoming Geistlich events.

Digital Training Events

​In cooperation with our partner Winglet, we produce top-class advanced training courses on AMIC® Chondro-Gide® in an entertaining TV format.

​You can find current dates under Courses and Congresses.

​​Videos of past events can be accessed here.


​Geistlich offers you the opportunity to visit experts in regenerative therapies for cartilage, meniscus and bone in the knee, ankle or hip joint.

​​You will be up close during the surgical procedure and able to observe how the techniques for the implantation of a Chondro-Gide® are performed by an experienced user. They will gladly share their tipps and tricks with you.

​Take this opportunity to answer all your questions regarding AMIC® or AMMR® treatment with the Chondro-Gide® membrane and benefit from the experience of the experts.

Steven Kramer

International Product Manager Sports Medicine

Cartilage Regeneration
Do you have high demanding patients with cartilage defects?
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Bone Regeneration
Orthoss® and Orthoss® Collagen closely resemble the inorganic component of human bone tissue.
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Architects of Regeneration
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Chondro-Gide®.
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Patient Information
Here are answers to some common questions about AMIC® surgery and rehabilitation for patients.
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Brochures and literature Orthopedic Professionals.
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Product Safety
Orthoss® and Chondro-Gide® are amongst the leading products for bone and cartilage regeneration.
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The Patient Implant Card (PIC) informs patients about implantable products they have received.
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